In 2018 we were awarded a contract by Flintshire County Council to carryout LED Lighting Upgrades at eight primary schools across the county. We appointed a Project Manager a team of four operatives, led by a senior electrician. Our Project Manager produced a detailed programme of works a held weekly progress meetings to ensure targets were being met. We completed six of the upgrades in the Summer Holidays of 2018, another in October half term and the final school in February half term 2019. The project was delivered within the timeframe given by the client and within budget.
In the October and November of 2018, due to our ongoing work within the schools, we were asked to complete an upgrade at the County Council’s new office building, Ty Dewi. We were tasked with upgrading 1200 lights in six weeks. There were six main areas in the building which would be occupied by office staff in addition to common areas such as toilets, corridors etc. Due to the short timeframe, we assigned two teams; each made up of one supervisor, three electricians and an apprentice as well as a member of staff looking after stock control and waste management. Each of the teams were assigned three of the main areas to change the lights in with a targeted number of lights to achieve each week. Our Project Manager monitored progress on a daily basis and reported back to the customer each week. The contract was once again delivered on time and within budget.